Victoria Barracks: Guided Tour and Visit to Army Museum (Max 15)
Thursday 8 May at 9:15
In its early days Chippendale was hardly the suburb of choice. The housing was cramped, the vermin entrenched, and the air foul with noisome fumes. As Robert Cooper’s 1840s distillery was faltering, the Tooth family’s brewery next door was flourishing, and in the nearby swamp ‘Pig Mary’ fossicked around for offal discarded by the slaughterhouses. But fortunes have changed, and today Chippendale has morphed into a popular residential precinct, with fertile soil and some of Sydney’s most beautiful buildings. Come and have a closer look at this long neglected industrial ugly duckling of inner Sydney.
Important: this site is a working military establishment, and Defence requires a list of names and telephone numbers for all participants. In addition, it is mandatory for each participant to show physical photo ID (i.e. no electronic ID on smartphone) – no photo ID, no entry.
Meet at Corner of Oxford Street and Greens Road, Paddington at 9:15. Bus routes 333, 352, 440.
Requirements: hat, sensible footwear, bottled water. Participants need to be reasonably fit, as there are stairs and uneven surfaces unsuitable for anyone with mobility issues.
Cost: $5 for entry to Museum, payable on the day. Optional lunch afterwards at nearby café.
Bookings essential and only from 9am sharp on Monday 14 April. First come, first served, but priority given to members who provide telephone number, membership number and expiry date.
Email bookings only: Beatrice Scheepers: 0402 969 004 (enquiries only)
Organised by Beatrice Scheepers City and Inner West Region