High Tea at Parliament House 23 May

Sparkling High Tea at Parliament House

Friday 23 May at 12 noon

Come and enjoy a selection of handmade and freshly baked sweet and savoury delights, served on Parliamentary Crested Wedgwood plates, accompanied by a glass of sparkling wine, and complemented by lovely views across The Domain.

Meet at security kiosk at 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney at 11.30

Cost $75 payable in advance by EFT only. Payment details when booking. This is a catered, pre-paid event with no refunds.
Bookings essential and only from 9am sharp on Monday 5 May. First come, first served, but priority given to members who provide telephone number, membership number and expiry date.
Email bookings only: Beatrice Scheepers: egoranje@gmail.com 0402 969 004 (enquiries only)

Organised by Beatrice Scheepers City and Inner West Region