Exploring the Elswick Estate; Local History Tour of Leichhardt West (max 15)
Tuesday 20 May from 9:30
James Norton was the squire of the grandest manor in west Leichhardt: the Elswick Estate. It boasted orchards, eel ponds and peacocks, and even had unrestricted water access. A noted pamphleteer and prominent public figure in mid-19th century Sydney, Mr Norton lent his name to Leichhardt’s famous cappuccino strip. As one of Australia’s first solicitors, he had some important clients, one of whom had a connection with a notorious ghost.
Optional coffee/lunch afterwards.
Requirements: reasonable fitness, comfortable shoes, weather protection.
Meet at 9.30 at the entrance to the Italian Forum at 23 Norton Street, Leichhardt. Bus routes 438, 440, 445.
Bookings essential and only from 9am sharp on Monday 5 May. First come, first served, but priority given to members who provide telephone number, membership number and expiry date. Email bookings only: Beatrice Scheepers egoranje@gmail.com 0402 969 004 (enquiries only)
Led by Beatrice Scheepers City and Inner West Region