Walking Tour of Darling Harbour – Building a Freeway across Sydney’s Early Industrial and Transport Hub (max 16)
Thursday 22 May
To “save Glebe”, the North Western Freeway was truncated becoming the “Darling Harbour Freeway”. The Darling Harbour section was constructed between operating railway goods yards and wharves. Originally, Cockle Bay ship transport hub was a network of low-level finger wharves receiving goods for traders and manufacturers dotted around the Sydney Town side of the bay. A railway tunnel under Railway Square connected Central Railway to Darling Harbour. Darling Harbour became a significant port, railway, transport, manufacturing and commercial hub, the goods yard closing in 1984. Sydney’s Hydraulic Power was a significant technological advance that changed the cityscape – hopefully we can still see the accumulators. Fig Street ran from Pyrmont Street to the “cliff” overlooking Wentworth Park. The houses in Fig Street became known as the “Fig Street Fiasco” the scene of a show down between the Department of Main Roads and the Builders Labourers Federation – Jack Mundey and the “Greenies”.
This walk is only for those members who have attended the talk at Mosman Seniors Centre on 21 May.
Meet at 9:30 am for a 9:45am start outside Wynyard Station Exit 4 Barangaroo – At Wynyard station, once you exit the gates head for Exit 4, go down the escalator/steps, along the tunnel and back up to street level where we will meet. If you arrive by bus, make your way to the Wynyard Exit 4 to Barangaroo.
Bookings essential and only from 9am sharp on Friday 16 May 2025; first come, first served. Please provide telephone number, membership number and expiry date when booking.
Email bookings only: Max Underhill maxwellunderhill@gmail.com Enquiries only: Max 0407 998 516 or Anna 0411 361 156
Organised by Max & Anna Underhill Harbourside North Region