
Becoming a Volunteer

VolunteersSydney u3a presentations, courses and events are managed and run entirely by volunteers.  Our wonderful and willing band of volunteers help with course and event organisation, bookings, administration, presentations, equipment and more. This is a great way to get to know your fellow members and to make a contribution to the successful running of Sydney u3a.

Can you help us?

We welcome new volunteers to help in these roles

 Presenters/ Speakers/ Course leaders

Do you have a special interest or qualification? Would you like to share your special subject? We are always looking for new courses or presentations.

  • You can give one off talks, a series of talks or run a course
  • You can conduct courses weekly, fortnightly or monthly

Regional Course Coordinators

  • Prepare and submit a listing of the regions’ talks and events to the Course book editor
  • Manage a team of venue coordinators
  • Have a working knowledge of the online booking system

Venue Coordinators

  • Organise venues, liaise with the council/owners of venues about terms of use.
  • Assist leaders with having successful sessions – for example – data projector, screen, microphone.
  • Coordinate the program of courses and speakers for the venue

 Booking Secretaries

  • Take bookings and maintain attendance sheets
  • Greet members as they arrive and mark them off the attendance sheet

Course Assistants

  • Set up the room
  • Manage morning/afternoon tea

 Regional Committee Members  

  • Attend committee meetings
  • Take on a committee role – President, Treasurer, Secretary, Web Manager etc

Office Administration

  • At head office in the city, respond to member queries whether by phone or email
  • Manage membership registration and payment

 IT Support

  • Assist with the MyU3A database maintenance
  • Advise on and maintain hardware and associated equipment

Data Entry

  • Enter and amend data linked to the course book.

Email the Secretary secretary.sydneyu3a@gmail.com  for further information