Flip Course Book

Our Flip Course Book


  • The course book can be read like a printed book by using the left and right arrows to turn the pages
  • To see the course book full screen, click or tap on the four arrows icon at the bottom right of the displayed book
  • To read it on your mobile, make it full screen, then zoom in
  • Press the Esc Button to go back to the smaller display

The course book is also available for you to download (pdf format) and print from the Course Book link on the navigation bar on this website.

Search tips:

  • On your PC, press CTRL+F; on a Mac, press Command+F
  • In the dialog box which pops up, type your keyword – region, topic, venue etc
  • The cursor skips to the first instance of that keyword:  use the arrows in the box to go to the next instance of the keyword
  • On an iPad, type your search word into the search/navigation bar. Scroll down the list of possibilities until you find “On this page”. Tap to find the word on the page