Wanted – Course Co-ordinator


There are a number of vacant roles on the Endeavour committee at the moment, but none more so important than the role of Course Co-ordinator and the course team.

As the current Course Co-ordinator, Jim Sloan, is stepping down at the end of the Semester 1, 2022 Course Book, it is vital that we fill this role as soon as possible. Ideally this person and the team would work along side Jim while preparing the next Course Book. In other words, they will be able to learn the job on the go and be fully supported at all times.

We all love the Course Book, whether it is accessed on-line or in the printed form. However, it is important to understand that without these roles filled, there will be no Endeavour content on-line or in the printed Course Book when it becomes available.

We are seeking members to come forward as soon as possible to fill the roles in this team. If you are interested or would like further information on these roles, please email:
